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"Your Online Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants Around the World"
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VegDining Banner:
File size: 17k
Dimensions: 468 (w) x 60 (h)
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VegDining Banner:
File size: 14k
Dimensions: 468 (w) x 60 (h)
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VegDining Banner:
File size: 14k
Dimensions: 468 (w) x 60 (h)
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VegDining Square Logo:
File size: 8k
Dimensions: 125 (w) x 125 (h)
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VegDining Square Logo:
File size: 4k
Dimensions: 125 (w) x 125 (h)
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VegDining Square Logo:
File size: 8k
Dimensions: 125 (w) x 125 (h)
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VegDining Square Logo:
File size: 4k
Dimensions: 125 (w) x 125 (h)
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VegDining Square Logo:
File size: 7k
Dimensions: 125 (w) x 85 (h)
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VegDining Button:
File size: 4k
Dimensions: 197 (w) x 41 (h)
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VegDining Card Graphic:
File size: 8k
Dimensions: 161 (w) x 119 (h)
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VegDining Search Box:
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<B> Find Vegetarian Restaurants <BR>
Anywhere in the World ... </B>
<FORM Name="SearchForm"
Action="http://www.VegDining.com/Search.cfm" Method="Post">
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<INPUT Type="Text" Name="SearchString" Size="14"
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<INPUT Type="Submit" Value="Go">
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